​Town of Russiaville
Park & Tree Board

Russiaville Town Park
Russiaville Town Park is located on Kinsey Street just east of the Police Station. Brady Park is located on the east end and includes the toddler/infant playground equipment and swings.
Click here to view our previous Accomplishment Report​​​​​​s.
Ray Chandler Pavilion
Please contact Town Hall at
765-883-5739 to reserve.
Mission Statement
Click here to view the
Board Mission and Vision Statement.
Jeff Stout
Community Center
The Community Center was completed in the summer of 2012 and is open to rent for occasions such as birthday parties, weddings, work meetings, community outreach, and family functions. Be sure to check out www.Russiavillecc.com for more information! See map below.
650 N West Street
Russiaville, IN 46979

The Russiaville Town Park now has ADA access. For our children's safety, there will be swing mats under the 6 swings on the south side of the park. Please come out and enjoy the park this summer!!

Board Members
​Jill Newby- President
Reba Casler- Vice President
Janna Hyman- Secretary
Rick Homkes- Treasurer
Erica Parvin
Jeremy Burns
Cherie Helmberger

Advisory Members:
Pat Reel

Recreational Trail Project
Come out and walk the new trail at the Community Center Park!
Paver Fundraiser
Click here to view form.